Frequently asked questions

How can I travel to The Lochside hotel?

What are the check-in and check-out times?

What amenities are included in my room?

Are cots and bedding for children available?

Can I bring my dog?

What time is breakfast served?

When do the bar and restaurant open?

Do I need to book in advance for dining?

Is there a beer garden?

What about parking?

Further information 

Accessibility: Our hotel is committed to ensuring that all guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. We offer accessible rooms designed for guests with disabilities, featuring modifications for those with mobility issues. These adaptations include wider doorways, grab bars in bathrooms, and other features to enhance ease of access and comfort. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific needs or to reserve an accessible room.

Internet access: Complimentary WiFi is available throughout the hotel, including all guest rooms, to ensure you stay connected during your visit. There is no charge for using the internet, allowing you to browse, stream and work without worry.

Dining options: Our restaurant prides itself on offering a diverse menu that caters to various dietary preferences and requirements. We serve a wide range of cuisine, emphasising local and seasonal ingredients. For our guests with specific dietary needs, we offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Please let us know in advance, and our kitchen will be happy to accommodate your requirements.

Local attractions: Islay is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and, of course, its world-famous whisky distilleries. Must-see attractions include the historic Bowmore Distillery, the beautiful beaches at Machir Bay, and the Isle of Islay's natural wildlife habitats. Our hotel staff are more than happy to assist with booking tours, recommending activities and providing insights to ensure you experience the best of Islay. Whether you're interested in whisky tasting, hiking, bird watching or exploring local historical sites, we're here to help you plan the perfect itinerary.

For any further inquiries or specific requests, do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly staff. We're here to make your stay as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.